TOPICS :  A – D 
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Jesus is coming again!  How are we to prepare for His coming?  What does He want us to do?  We are called to be ambassadors for Christ.  This series of four studies will help answer those questions.
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When we become a Christian the Holy Spirit begins to change us our lives, so our character becomes more like Jesus.  This series looks into some of these qualities to help us understand what they mean, how they are developed and why they are so important.  Question sheets for members are in italics.
What is the church?  This is a teaching series, suitable for new believers, to help us understand what the church is. We look at the different pictures used to describe the church in the New Testament:  it is like a temple, a family, a bride, a body and an army.
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Churches need leaders!  In the Book of Acts we read how deacons and elders were appointed in every place where a church was established.  What were the qualifications for those leaders and how were they chosen?  We answer those questions in the two studies below.  The members studies are in italics.
God created us to live in community. We see the importance of community all through the Bible, beginning in the Book of Genesis, to the time of the early church in the Book of Acts.  How are we as God’s children to live as community today?  
Did you know the word ‘Christian’ is only used in the Bible a few times?  Jesus used the word ‘disciple’ to describe those who followed him.  In this series we are going to learn what Jesus meant when he invited all of us to be his disciples.  You will find the studies for members in italics.