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Following this are 12 books that give us the history of the nation of Israel, from the time Joshua led the people into the Promised Land, until they were taken into captivity, as a result of their sin. The last few books tell how they returned to the land and rebuilt Jerusalem and the temple.
Gideon was like many of us!  He struggled with fear and a sense of inadequacy, and yet God called and used him.  In this series of 7 studies on his life, there are many lessons we can learn about how to overcome negative emotions and accomplish what God has called us to do.  Member’s notes are in italics.
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The Book of Nehemiah is the account of how the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt.  This series of 7 studies follows the story, showing that our lives need to be rebuilt too, and like Nehemiah we need to overcome discouragement and fear.  The notes for group members are in italics.